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The United States is currently undergoing one of the most powerful astrological energies of transition since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Most astrologers use the signing of the Declaration of Independence as the birth chart for the United States of America.
The USA has the following very strong and intense influences:
1. The USA has a Pluto return three times this year. The first aspect was in January of this year, the second one is happening as we speak and was exact July 10 through early on the 12th, and the final aspect is December 26, 2022.
2. The USA also has something referred to in Vedic Astrology as Sadhesati. This is the seven and a half year transit of Saturn over the moon in a birth chart. This has strong Karmic release effects and almost always brings major changes.
3. The USA has just finished a very deceptive series of Neptune square Mars and opposing the USA Neptune over the last two years. This means that events of the last two years have been very deceptive, to say the least. Of note, the Civil War in 1861 broke out months after that series of aspects happened.
Pluto has a synodic cycle of approximately 245 to 250 years. The United States just turned 246 years old as of July 4, 2022. The Pluto return historically correlates with when empires rise and fall. I went back and looked at other empires, particularly the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was divided on its first Pluto return and finally dissolved on the second Pluto return.
As I have said on many radio shows and podcasts, I believe we are seeing a war between the globalists and the nationalists. For them to achieve their objectives the United States must be brought to its knees or destroyed as we know it.
The governors and district attorneys that were planted (or funded at least) in strategic places have allowed crime to run rampant. They’re rewarding criminals, who after arrest are usually back on the streets by 5 o’clock, thanks to the pro-criminal judges and district attorneys. There’s no way to have order and functionality in a society on the course that’s currently set for the United States. Unless something drastic happens, we are on a path to very dire circumstances.
Clearly that is also the objective collectively on a global scale. I speak to many people across the globe, and I hear that fascism is being foisted upon many people in foreign countries. It’s no secret they’re using climate change as a rouse to shut down the entire petrochemical industry around the globe, cutting off the life blood of economies.
It’s safe to say the United States has never had hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe stampeding its borders. They are being given social security cards the minute they ask for asylum. Then bussed or flown all over the country, free of charge.
We have the sitting United States president slitting the jugular vein of the energy industry and ignoring crime running rampant across the country. Our education system, freedom of speech, and other personal freedoms have been severely attacked during the last couple of years. The food processing plants are being disrupted by a host of mysterious accidents and events.
The politicians are spending more money than ever before in history on new energy systems that are not effective while choking off the ones that do work. All this while the Fed is raising interest rates to further dampen money and investments. This is exactly the symbolism of a Pluto return on an empire.
The United States has never experienced this energy. I’ve never seen anything quite as stealthy and as destructive from all fronts as we are seeing in these events now. I have spoken to many people in politics, various businesses that say this is going to destroy the country.
My grandmother, who was born in 1907, told me during WW I when she was a little girl, that during the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression in 1929, and World War II, everyone said the world was ending. But all through these times we had a unified country where people were not as deeply divided as now. We see the rest of the world is also going through very dramatic societal erosion as well. So why is this happening? We can look again to the large cycles of the outer planets.
In many of the ancient texts there has been a type of astrology known as Mundane Astrology. The flood of Noah was said to have happened on a great conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and several other planets.
These great conjunctions usually happen in the very first degrees of the Fire, Air, Water and Earth signs.
An excellent example was in the 1700’s when we had what is known as a great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in a fire trine. That was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution with electricity, transportation, and manufacturing resulting in the incredible infrastructure of our modern society. It was also the founding of the United States of America, where freedom, free will and capitalism was championed.
I have been saying for many years that it was not the Mayan calendar that caught my eye, but it was 2020 forward. Why? If we look back in recent history, 9/11 happened on a Saturn Pluto opposition. The banks crashed in 2008-2009 when Saturn and Pluto squared.
In January 2020 we had a Saturn Pluto conjunction, which was exact almost to the minute that the teleprompter readers declared an official pandemic of COVID 19. Also, and even more dramatic, we experienced a 240-year mutation conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the air trines. This and the effect of the Pluto Saturn conjunction in January of 2020 has opened the door for the return of Fascism disrupting the world.
But the good always wins in the end, and the world never ends. Because good is more powerful than evil.
Also, on the winter solstice of 2020 we experienced a powerful 240-year mutation conjunction. This indicates a new high tech era which is sure to catapult us into a mind bending future of AI, advancements in genetics and every other aspects of communications and technologies that might make The Jetsons look obsolete over the ensuing years.
Not to add to the many theories the internet is clogged with, and though some of them might be right on, I believe the “owners” at the top of the pyramid are very well aware of these powerful astrological cycles and plan and take advantage of these energetic changes.
We only have to look backwards to see that events like 9/11 had powerful, long-lasting effects on the world for years. Many of the effects are permanent. Some examples are the security in airports and the Patriot Act, and the wars in the Middle East, etc. etc.
So the big question is, “Are these actions and energies going to destroy the US and change the world again forever? Or will we be the phoenix rising out of the ashes?”
With Saturn making a square to Uranus this October, a deeper recession or worse is very probable. The United States has never experienced these energies before, and I can tell you that the astrology mirrors this to the tee. I have spoken to many people in businesses, including the trucking industry, and many are fearful they will not be able to get parts much longer. The supply chains have been severely thwarted; the agricultural industry has been severely crippled. We have foreigners, particularly the Chinese, buying up huge lots of land, and we also have multibillionaires buying up huge agricultural tracks and then closing them off to regular farming business.
Everything comes down to the money. Follow the money. At the top of the pyramid are the bankers who control the global western financial systems, and these are the people who are orchestrating this. The politicians in Washington, D.C., also known as the District of Criminals, really are not the ones orchestrating this, they’re following orders with the promise of power and elite immunity while the crowds thrash for survival in the end.
In conclusion:
Good is more always more powerful that evil. In many of the ancient texts, including the secrets encrypted on the bible, it show the negative forces may be a part of the very atomic structures of this particular universe. But the source is always above and from the divine far above the material universes.
Mars is likely to wreak some havoc at the end of the first week of August as Mars squares Saturn. With the Sun also opposing Saturn and squaring Mars in the month of August and Mercury going retrograde in the first week of September, expect more violence, turmoil and confusion in the world of politics. But Mars retrograding at the end of October certainly shows more creative voting antics.
Vedic/ Naadi astrology shows this July 4th, 2022 the USA just had Saturn, the planet of karma and change aspect the Air trines of the USA for the next 30 years! This will take time, but it is sure to bring intense, dramatic and long lasting changes to the structures of this country as Saturn marches through its complex progressions across the next 30 years of the USA birth chart.
But the most encouraging energies I see happen at the end of 2022 through January 2023, because Jupiter begins a 12-year progression over the USA water trine and is strong in aspect to the USA Mercury. This will likely bring some real changes for the better! We just need to vote, stay positive and hold the space for that positive change.
Convert your old jewelry into something useful, a Vedic Talismanic Gem piece. Schedule a call for more information.
Many people are considering moving and have been contacting me for astro-location sessions. Best to you all in these challenging times.
Many Blessings,
Jeff Harman
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